cPanel is designed to host multiple domains in a single server. And because the IPv4 is a scarce resource, cPanel is designed in a way that it will rather use same IP for multiple domains. Such an IP is called a “shared IP address”.
Configuring a Shared IP
The primary requirement is that the IP must be added to the server. You can see if there are free IPs to be used as shared IP from WHM Main > IP Functions > Show IP Address Usage.
If there is a free IP, we can use it to be the shared IP. If not, we need to add an IP from WHM. This can be done through WHM Main > IP Functions > Add a New IP Address. Please make sure the IP resolves to the server by pinging and “tracerouting” to the IP.
Setting Up the Shared IP
Navigage to Main > Server Configuration > Basic cPanel & WHM Setup and locate the area where it is says “The IP address (only one address) that will be used for setting up shared IP virtual hosts.”
In the box against that, you need to add the IP address we have selected and then click on Save Changes. This will be then used for any account created from the ” Create an account ” Area of WHM, unless a dedicated IP for the account is defined.
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