Its very easy to install cPanel on a CentOS box, and cPanel is the most widely used control panel to manage websites using a graphical interface. Its not free, a VPS license is about 15 USD per month and a dedicated server license is about 30 USD. It supports installation on CentOS, RHEL and CloudLinux OS. Now, let’s get onto the main part – installing cPanel on your machine…
Before we start with the installation part, a very important reminder! Once you install cpanel, it cannot be removed – You have to reinstall the operating system to revert the installation.
In a official cPanel documentation site there is a very brief explanation. I’ll just mention a few of the main things:
Installation : Open terminal and type: yum clean all yum -y update yum -y install wget lsof mailx nano rsync perl sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config echo 0 > /selinux/enforce cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest
Looks very simple to do. Downloading from their website directly.
Requirements to install cPanel.
a) A license – If you don’t own one you can obtain it at cPanel store. It will be assigned to your IP Adress. They offer 15 day licenses for free, if you’re new and you want to test out cPanel and take a look what it is.
b) There are some network requirements. Brief description at their website.
c) You must disable NetworkManager before running cPanel
d) Operating system CentOS 6 or 7, minimum a 1 GB of RAM and 20 GB of disk space. 64 bit architecture with a processor of 226 MHz. Take into consideration, your system requirements may differ depending on what kind and how many sites you will be hosting.
Next step is to login and do the initial set up of the cPanel, which is fairly straight forward.
To login , you need to take http://<IPADDRESS>:2087 in your browser, and ignore the security warning. The next steps will be to fine tune the server and harden it – an isight is given here
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